Research is my jam. You'll soon find me wrangling data to make my PR workflow more efficient.
The word programmatically gets my blood flowing. I'm an odd ball and I could care less. In the coming months, I plan on tackling a few projects that will combine some basic PR process oriented workflow habits with data science. First up: developing a media list via a news API that will involve a saucy mix of some basic data munging, python and pandas. Stay tuned...
In the meantime, below is a list of PR related services and skills I am fluent in, along with a fledgling list of data science focused tools that I will be learning about and building up my competency in over the next several months.
Public Relations
Strategic Communications /
...corporate/product message developmentCrisis Communications /
...reactive/proactive message development
...reactive/proactive media outreach
Media Relations /
...planning/outreach training/coaching
Research / list development landscape/article pull research monitoring reporting/sentiment anlaysis
...editorial calendars research and ongoing maintenance
...speaking/awards research and ongoing maintenance
Writing release writing and development
...thought leadership
Data Science
Python / Pandas / Numpy / Matplotlib / Data Manipulation / Data Visualization / Maching Learning / Deep Learning ... more to come soon