Research is my jam. You'll soon find me wrangling data to make my PR workflow more efficient.

The designer's workspace table image
With respect to PR, I can offer an out of the box solution to any number of organizations — large or small, in-house or external agency of record — in need of a knowledgeable resource. In short, I am a well-traveled, but humble, all-weather hack that you can easily plug into your team's operation on a per project basis or for ongoing support/assistance.
While my skillset spans the full spectrum of the communications toolbox, I've made a career out of applying a stringent and rigorous approach to the PR process focused on utilizing research and information gathering tactics to help my clients more effectively communicate their business objectives. Hence the ardent interest in data science...

The word programmatically gets my blood flowing. I'm an odd ball and I could care less. In the coming months, I plan on tackling a few projects that will combine some basic PR process oriented workflow habits with data science. First up: developing a media list via a news API that will involve a saucy mix of some basic data munging, python and pandas. Stay tuned...

In the meantime, below is a list of PR related services and skills I am fluent in, along with a fledgling list of data science focused tools that I will be learning about and building up my competency in over the next several months.


Public Relations

Strategic Communications /

...corporate/product message development

Crisis Communications /

...reactive/proactive message development

...reactive/proactive media outreach

Media Relations /

...planning/outreach training/coaching

Research / list development landscape/article pull research monitoring reporting/sentiment anlaysis

...editorial calendars research and ongoing maintenance

...speaking/awards research and ongoing maintenance

Writing release writing and development

...thought leadership

Data Science

Python / Pandas / Numpy / Matplotlib / Data Manipulation / Data Visualization / Maching Learning / Deep Learning ... more to come soon

Get in touch

Matt Griffes
